Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't leave home without your hat...

As I look forward to spring, I have been thinking about my backyard flower garden and wondering what to plant this year.  Sure keeping my fingers crossed that everything I ventured to buy and plant last summer will make its way through the ground after a long winters' sleep.  This was an especially unusual winter here in SC. We actually got snow that  lasted for some days.

Dreaming the arrival of spring, I began to reminisce.  Pictures tend to put a smile on my face.  As I began to meander through photos, I realized something quite funny. In so many of my winter travels, I would be wearing whatever I could buy to keep me warm.  I would get scarves, hats, sweaters, something for the moment.  I would use them for the time, sometimes never to wear them again.  Here a are few lovely hat days.  I have never had the "need" to wear them again.

I remember walking the mountain in Austria snapping pictures of all the flowers that surprised me on that winter day.  I was warm and happy in my "lovely" hat. It never crossed my mind what my husband saw or thought walking with me that day.

What about this one?  I really had to have a hat this December day in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  I don't know what I was thinking to ever go there in winter without a hat!
Well, I found one!
 Oh well, aren't the flowers lovely?  Denmark was lovely, too!