Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Flowers Quickly Pass

     Without a doubt, anyone who loves flowers must visit SC in the spring. Just the azaleas in bloom create a beauty that undoubtedly even people who don't garden have to admire. Add dogwoods, daffodils, wisteria and yards are painted with color.  These colors fade quickly and I hate to see them go.
     As I stroll around my yard, I am anxious to to see what else is peeping out of the ground to delight me this year.  The winter was so mild that my snapdragons actually continued blooming so I have high hopes of lots of returning plants.  It is funny but some of these young shoots are surprises to me since I did not tag my garden, thought I would remember them all. I did save the tags, they have to be somewhere!
     Living here, I strive to find the plants that will survive and actually thrive in my backyard.  The soil varies so much depending on the spot; this has helped me to decide that my garden needs to be confined, a small area where I can control the pests and keep everything watered and weeded.  Between the extreme heat and poor soil, I am very pleased to have found  plants that have become quite showy.  I think I will plant more of the same that way maybe I will finally get what I refer to as an "English Country Garden" after all.  Yet as I shop for plants, I can't resist trying the different beauties and hope they will survive. 

To those reading this blog, I welcome any suggestions of plants that you think would be suited for my environment.  I don't have a color scheme  - I am truly an amateur creating what pleases me.