Tuesday, May 1, 2012

My Life's Pleasures

     As I sit looking out over the the water sprinkling down on my garden, it makes me think of the sweet things in life that come my way refreshing like the droplets of water on my thirsty plants.  I surely have plenty of pleasure to drink up and enjoy.

Husband - cup of morning coffee in bed and everything in life
Daughther - dream maker a patience, loving, listening best friend
Son - preacher who's my joy at it's peak with a smile and a hug

Add the son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren and my list just grows and grows like the garden outside my breakfast room window; it grows, blooms, and brings me joy.  Each person with different beauties to behold, sprinkle me with love refreshing my life.    


Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Flowers Quickly Pass

     Without a doubt, anyone who loves flowers must visit SC in the spring. Just the azaleas in bloom create a beauty that undoubtedly even people who don't garden have to admire. Add dogwoods, daffodils, wisteria and yards are painted with color.  These colors fade quickly and I hate to see them go.
     As I stroll around my yard, I am anxious to to see what else is peeping out of the ground to delight me this year.  The winter was so mild that my snapdragons actually continued blooming so I have high hopes of lots of returning plants.  It is funny but some of these young shoots are surprises to me since I did not tag my garden, thought I would remember them all. I did save the tags, they have to be somewhere!
     Living here, I strive to find the plants that will survive and actually thrive in my backyard.  The soil varies so much depending on the spot; this has helped me to decide that my garden needs to be confined, a small area where I can control the pests and keep everything watered and weeded.  Between the extreme heat and poor soil, I am very pleased to have found  plants that have become quite showy.  I think I will plant more of the same that way maybe I will finally get what I refer to as an "English Country Garden" after all.  Yet as I shop for plants, I can't resist trying the different beauties and hope they will survive. 

To those reading this blog, I welcome any suggestions of plants that you think would be suited for my environment.  I don't have a color scheme  - I am truly an amateur creating what pleases me.