Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Longing for . . .

Although I have had the privilege of traveling, it seems the desire to go again to yet another place is always with me. When I get there, it is like I just can't wait to see what awaits around the bend, over the hill, or around the corner. I read all the brochures to make sure I don't miss any attraction. More that once, my sweet family endure my adventures. Some turn out quite fun and entertaining, while others not so good. We do end up laughing, sometimes years later just retelling the story. I do love adventure.

John Eldredge's book, The Journey of Desire, is a must read.  He writes, "We all share the same dilemma - we long for life and we're not sure where to find it.  We wonder if we ever do find it, can we make it last?"  I would like to believe that what I feel is quite the norm for most.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't leave home without your hat...

As I look forward to spring, I have been thinking about my backyard flower garden and wondering what to plant this year.  Sure keeping my fingers crossed that everything I ventured to buy and plant last summer will make its way through the ground after a long winters' sleep.  This was an especially unusual winter here in SC. We actually got snow that  lasted for some days.

Dreaming the arrival of spring, I began to reminisce.  Pictures tend to put a smile on my face.  As I began to meander through photos, I realized something quite funny. In so many of my winter travels, I would be wearing whatever I could buy to keep me warm.  I would get scarves, hats, sweaters, something for the moment.  I would use them for the time, sometimes never to wear them again.  Here a are few lovely hat days.  I have never had the "need" to wear them again.

I remember walking the mountain in Austria snapping pictures of all the flowers that surprised me on that winter day.  I was warm and happy in my "lovely" hat. It never crossed my mind what my husband saw or thought walking with me that day.

What about this one?  I really had to have a hat this December day in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  I don't know what I was thinking to ever go there in winter without a hat!
Well, I found one!
 Oh well, aren't the flowers lovely?  Denmark was lovely, too!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Garden Treasures

This year I have spent more time in my backyard enjoying my garden.  South Carolina summers are very hot and humid and creating a garden has been a challenge. However, I did not let it defeat me.  My favorite plants that blossomed beautifully were lavender, "hot lips", and plumbago.  While not everything grew successfully, I did get more pleasure from my plants than in summers past.  As spring is approaching, I am hopeful to see what will return.
     The garden became a treasure to our home because it became a place where friends and family gathered often.  No longer was the main attraction simply the swimming pool.  This year, visitors could enjoy the water and the flowers. It was hard work, but it was rewarding work.
     The rewards eventually brought me out of the back yard and allowed me to venture into the front.  My front yard has long been a challenge.  Wanting a fence for privacy purposes has posed many difficulties.  So, this year I tackled the job with foliage.  My entire front lawn has now been secured with plantings of Crepe Myrtles, Gardenias, Ligustrum, and Wintergreen Boxwood.  So far, we have weathered the winter well, considering the record snowfall we have received.  We are anticipating spring and the new life that comes along with season.
     In closing, I will leave you with a photo of one of my favorite garden treasures just before the days grew cold.